Your book is amazing. It’s so simple, so easy to read and so helpful. Your book is GOLD! – Lara M.
I read a lot of books and have bought many over the years and they say lessen the ego – live in the now – be mindful – yes they say it BUT this book, this is a plan – this is real – this is how to do it – not just words. It’s so beautifully written...There were so many moments in your book that were wow or real to me. Muchly appreciated – for the gift of you in these modern times. – Julie R.
I’m enjoying your book. It’s an easy read, practical and I really like all the eight exercises. They’re great! – Marg P.
This is one of the best books I have ever read on personal development. The tools and techniques were simple and clear and have since been instrumental in helping me find more joy in my life. This book has literally CHANGED my life! A thousand thank yous. – Fiona M.
Your writing directs and urges one’s self-awareness, self-actualisation, positiveness, love, laughter, relaxation…all aiming for the individual to achieve out of themselves the best that they can and for others. For one to follow your 4 tools, 4 factors, 4 questions –this is a great way to ‘learn about themselves’. Also by including the section for those who continually may be suffering a downward spiral at work, home, [or in] relationships etc., you give a number of simple ideas for those who wish to pull themselves out. Thank you and I wish you all the best with your book. – Mike M.
The most practical book I have ever read about joy. Thank you! – Lizzy P.